Prevent Face Damages using these Simple Tips

8 min readJun 4, 2021


prevention of men face damages

Your face is the first thing everybody will see anywhere you get to.

Taking care of your face is not a thing you should ignore, rather it should be your first focus of attention

If your face is not looking okay, every part of your body as well is regarded as not okay

While some factors can stop you from looking good you can take care of them and take them away using the simple tips mentioned below.

While you can encounter pimples, rashes, sunburn, and other effects while aging you can overcome them in no time when you apply the right technics.

In today’s guide, you’re going to see simple tips that are capable of making your face clean and make you have a clean and soft face.

Follow the instructions and apply the cure to make your face look clean and to get a lovely look

Let’s dive in

Apply aloe vera to your face

aloe vera for cleansed face

Aloe vera is a plant, capable of making your face clean and soft.

While aloe vera is used for internal cure, it is also good as an external cure in treating facial reactions.

You can use aloe vera to cure burns, wrinkles, pimples, eczema, and scars.

When you use aloe vera, you’ll have a soft face, and all your face ailments will be cleared

Just like I used it a few years ago to clear off spots on my face back then.

I realized that my face was soft plus the cleanliness I was looking for.

Though, by then, I didn’t know how that happened miraculously

But now, I know it’s the property that contains aloe vera gel that made that possible.

Aloe vera is used in taking care of almost every face effect.

Irrespective of what you want to use it for, aloe is competent to clear it off.

Just take the aloe stem, open it and apply the gel twice a day on your face.

You’ll see changes on your face and all those face damages will lessen.

Moisturizer your face every day

Moisturizer works to moist the face and makes it clean.

Using moisturizer to moist your face every day can make your face clean and reduce the effect of damages on your face.

Mostly, your face pores are blocked due to dryness, dirt, dead cells, and dehydration.

You can very well apply moisturizer to wake up your skin cells and wipe out the blockage.

However, here are symptoms you’ll realize to know you have blocked pores on your face

• Dark spot- there will be gathered black spots in that area

• wrinkles- you will generate premature wrinkles

• you’ll see the visibility of your face holes clearly (mostly on your nose)

Using moisturizer will wipe out the dirt and dead cells that blocked your face holes(pores) and make your face moist.

Another thing you can also apply as an alternative to moisturizer is a face cleanser.

Face cleanser works alike as a moisturizer.

When you use it to clean your face, it will get rid of dirt and blockage on your skin.

You can use a face cleanser when you want to sleep at night and after taking your bath in the morning.

Use sunscreen to prevent sunburn

The main cause of sunburn is the sun, that is why you don’t need to be too exposed to the sun.

When you get too exposed to the sun, you’ll certainly get your skin burnt, which may lead you to have a two-colored face.

While sunburn can lead to aging, it can also lead to the formation of skin cancer.

Fortunately, all hope is not yet gone, using sunscreen as prevention will help you to reduce the risk of sun damages.

However, sunscreen prevents the sun from damaging your face as well as repairing your damaged skin.

Having said that, you can also use sunscreen to slow down wrinkles on your face.

Sunscreen repairs most of the face damages and helps in preventing your face from burning by the sun.

You can apply sunscreen on your face at any time, most especially when you’re going out.

Eat a proteinous diet to prevent damages

proteinous foods for preventing skin damages

While your face clearance doesn’t do with the outward applications alone, you can make your face clear from damages through what you eat.

what you eat has a lot to do with the way your face looks.

Our new generation hasn’t know what the importance of diet to our skin.

As a matter of fact, eating the right diet will produce you the right skin.

For example, most of what is eaten a lot is meats and trans fat, which can affect your skin and can cause some side effects on your face.

Reducing or avoiding them will be okay if you want to clear off the damages on your skin

There are foods you need to eat to boost the way your appearance looks.

Foods that are proteinous in diets are very good to take away spots and blockage on your face.

Having said that, here are proteinous diets you can eat that heal your face from damages.

1. Egg

2. Oatmeal

3. Guava

4. Apple

5. Low-fat milk

While there are a lot of foods that contain protein, you need to check on foods that are high in protein and low in fat to get the best result you want.

Eating proteinous foods will add to the nourishment of your face.

Drinking water to stay hydrated

drink water for preventing face damages

You’ve heard it many times: dehydration leads to bad health.

Drinking water has a lot to do with your healthy life and also your skin

Not drinking enough water can lead to the blockage of your skin hole and the generation of a facial disorder

More so, not drinking water can lead to face wrinkling and drying face, and other similar face disorders.

As long as your face is moist it will be easy to get rid of blockage and dirt on the face.

Unlike when your face is dried out of the water, it will be easy for damages to occur, and worst more is that the present damages will not clear off.

Notwithstanding that water is a simple means of keeping your face clean, almost everybody doesn’t drink enough of It.

While that may seem not bad, it could have added to the effect of your face.

However, you can start drinking enough water from now to make your face hydrated and moist to prevent the side effect of dehydration on your face.

You may be thinking of how much water to drink to stay hydrated and keep your face moist.

Realistically, there’s no specific amount. But ideally, you need to drink more than 8 glasses of water a day.

Well…this is the truth:

“Make sure you drink enough water”. Simple.

How can you drink enough water?

When you’re feeling the need to drink water, even if it’s a small need, stand up and aim for a glass of water. Period.

Eat a diet that contains copper nutrient

eat coppernutrients to prevent face damages

Copper, just like every other mineral, is one of the nutrients that’s beneficial to us.

Copper plays a major role in amending the skin.

However, copper can’t be seen easily with our naked eyes. It’s contained in some foods that we need to eat to get its benefits.

When you eat foods that contain copper you will experience easy wound healing.

Not only that, copper in foods repair the skin naturally and also improve face elasticity.

More so, it reduces the fine lines and wrinkles, the two that contribute to premature aging.

If you can add copper nutrients to your meal every day, you have the chance of preventing damages to your face.

Having said that, the proper intake recommendation of copper for an adult is 1mg of copper daily.

This means a little amount of copper is what you need to clear off your face damages.

However, to get copper into your body you need to eat the foods that contain it.

Here are the foods that are rich in copper:

1. Vegetable

2. Grains

3. Apple

4. Dark chocolate


6. Salmon fish

7. Cereal

8. Spinach

9. Potatoes

10. Cashew nuts

11. Unsweetened chocolate.

These are the foods you need to add to your diets to get your face cleared and have a lovely face.

Wash your face with warm water

boiled water for preventing face damages

It certain, steamed water easily wash off dirt on the face than water that is not steamed

Warm water early in the morning takes away dirt from the face.

While water under no temperature will do less in keeping your face clean, warm water will go a long way in washing the surface of your face, clean off fat, and make sure no dirt that can cause reactions remains on your face.

While having that said, you shouldn’t use very hot water to wash your face as this may cause skin burn and affect your face elasticity.

Warm water is as well a good means of taking care of your face to prevent causes of damage on the face.

Now, get this right, lukewarm water can not be used to repair scars and hard reactions on the face but it can prevent the occurrence of damages on your face.

Having said that, other things mentioned above are competent in lessening the view of the existing damages.

Make sure you use the right cure, do the right thing and have the right face.

a young man with a cleared-clean face

Hope that was helpful

Truly, you can be facing some challenges with your look.

You may be suffering from acne, scar, pimples, wrinkles, and sunburn.

Using the above simple tips can reduce the tension of the skin damage.

Just make sure you use them as instructed and you’ll see changes on your face.

I’d love to hear from you.

What are the damages on your face you’rechallenged with?

Which of the above cure will you try on it first?

Drop your comment down below.



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